



結束日期: 2030/12/31


1. 填妥申請書,攜帶申辦者證件至售票窗口辦理,繳付開卡費350元,即可加入影城會員,會員效期為一年。
2. 會員卡採記名式發行,持有效會員卡消費享有購票及積點優惠,若未攜帶會員卡,需出示會員卡本人證件才可享有優惠。
3. 憑會員卡購買會員優惠票每日限六組,超過以全票計價。

1. 開卡或續卡即贈送紅利點數300點,點數存於會員卡中,卡片有效期間內皆可持卡出示本人證件使用點數兌換電影票或影城商品。
2 加贈飲料與爆米花各一份,憑開卡明細聯即可至販賣部兌換,須於開卡後一個月內兌換完畢,若明細聯遺失恕不補發。

1. 會員購票享票價優惠,購買販賣部餐飲享八折優惠(不含套餐)。
2. 停車優惠:會員購票當日每卡可享一張停車優惠券。
3. 會員生日當月享有購票買一送一優惠乙次(限同一天內場次),申辦次日起才能使用此優惠。(每一會員效期僅能使用一次生日禮,如當年度已使用過生日禮,隔年度則需續卡後方可使用。若觀賞3D電影場次需補差額60元)
4. 會員消費每20元可累積1點紅利點數,1點價值1元。單日最高累計上限150點。
5. 為確保會員權益,使用生日禮或紅利點數皆須出示會員本人證件。
6. 紅利點數可等值兌換2D電影票或影城公布之當期商品,商品若屬限量時,依兌換先後順序排定,商品兌換完畢後,則截止兌換。
7. 紅利點數於會員卡有效期間內不過期;若到期後90天內未續卡,則點數歸零。


1. 每一會員效期為一年,有效期間內續卡效期自到期日展延一年。
2. 會員於有效期間內續卡費用為300元,贈會員續卡禮。
3. 會員若過期後續卡則費用為350元,贈會員續卡禮,生日禮於續卡隔日才生效。


1. 如系統產生點數登陸異常情況時,本影城將暫停會員紅利積點及兌換功能,暫停期間之消費,將無法累積紅利點數,亦無法補登。
2. 本卡如遺失,請於影城營業時間來電停止卡片功能;補發卡片需親至售票口申辦,手續費為100元,紅利點數全數轉移至新卡。
3. 卡片如未及時掛失,期間所導致之損失及風險,應由會員自行負擔。
4. 本影城保留會員辦法之最終解釋權以及隨時修正、暫停與終止會員辦法之權利,其餘未盡事宜請洽影城現場服務人員。


Members Rights & Interests

How to Register Member of Haha Club

1. Bring your ID card and completed application sheet at box office by paying NTD 350, you may join Haha Club.
2. Showing your member card to get the discount and accumulate bonus points.
3. 6 discount tickets are allowed to purchase per day with the member card. You can only buy adult tickets if you want to purchase more than 6 tickets in one day.


Haha Club Member Gifts

1. 300 bonus points as gift once you have finished membership application.
2. A set of combo (popcorn and drink) would be given with a receipt, you have to redeem in a month.


Haha Club Member Privileges and Bonus Points

1. All privileges are only available if you have your Haha Club card or member’s ID card.
2. Members could have movie ticket BUY ONE GET ONE FREE in birth month, which only can use once and one time. If you have just registered, the privilege could be use the day after.
3. Members have discounts on purchasing tickets and F&B.
4. Members can accumulate 1 bonus point for every NTD 20 purchasing. 1 bonus points is worth NTD 1, which means you earn 5% cash back bonus.
5. Bonus points could redeem 2D movie tickets or merchandises we offered. When those merchandises were limited, we don’t preserve for anyone.
6. To ensure members’ rights, you have to show member’s personal ID to use birthday privilege.


Expiration and renewal of Haha Club

1. Membership is valid for one year from the date of register. You can direct to our box office for renewal when the expiration approach. And if the renewal was not done, you cannot have the member privileges.
2. The renewal fee is NTD 300, you will get a member gift (a combo with a ticket) once you have applied for it. Duration of membership would also be a year.
4. You can still renewal the card for NTD 350 after 90 days, the points would be reset.



1. Each member can ask for one parking-voucher per day when you purchase ticket.
2. To ensure member privileges, if your accumulation shows abnormal activities, we will suspend your accumulation and redeem.
3. Contact us to report your card lost during our business hours. Reissue fee of member card is NTD 100, please come to our box office in person to do it. Your points would be all transfer to your new member card.
4. If you did not report the lost in time, the risk should be taken by member.
5. It is limited by each member for only one card. You cannot apply repeatedly.
6. Member points are not allowed combined with other members’ points.
7. Halar Cinema reserves the right of final interpretation, and the right to adjusts/suspends/stops memberships. If there is something unclear, please contact us for further information.
